Бренд №1 в Мире

Hot Spring Spas is committed to providing our owners with the Absolute Best Hot Tub Ownership Experience®. That means you can count on us to provide tools and information that you’ll find useful as a spa owner, as well as unparalleled customer care if you ever need us along the way. We invite you to share your experiences and connect with our growing community of passionate hot tubbers.

Hot Spring Spas is committed to providing our owners with the Absolute Best Hot Tub Ownership Experience®. That means you can count on us to provide tools and information that you’ll find useful as a spa owner, as well as unparalleled customer care if you ever need us along the way. We invite you to share your experiences and connect with our growing community of passionate hot tubbers.

Контактная информация

Местонахождение компании +

Салон спа «HotSpring»

МТК «Гранд», г. Химки, ул. Бутаково, д.4, 1 этаж

Тел.: +7 (495) 740-21-54

Время работы: Пн-вс 10.00 – 21.00

Сервисный центр «HotSpring»

Москва, ул. Профсоюзная, д. 83, корп. А

Тел.: (495) 333-33-82

Время работы: Пн-пт 11.00 – 19.00

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